AHS February 2024 Meeting
Monday, February 26, 2024, at the Atlanta History Center’s Woodruff Auditorium in McElreath Hall, 7pm
Please join us for our February lecture meeting! Our speaker will be Nurseries Caroliniana founder, Ted Stephens, whose topic will be "Companion Plants for Hydrangeas in the Landscape".
Ted will be showing slides and discussing plants that work well in the landscape as companions to Hydrangeas. Both woodies and perennials will be examined so as to give as much year-round interest in the garden as possible even when Hydrangeas are not in flower.
He received B.S. and M.S. in Ornamental Horticulture from Clemson University 1969-1972, taught Horticulture in the Department of Golf Course and Landscape Operations Florida Gateway College, Lake City, Florida.
1973 to present, founded Nurseries Caroliniana, in North Augusta, SC, a retail garden center and nursery focusing on offering rare and unusual plant material to the gardening public. Osmanthus fragrans is a specialty of his nursery where one will find one of the largest collections of Osmanthus on the internet.
Through travels abroad, Ted has introduced many new plant selections to the gardening public. He has also developed a number of cultivars himself.
2015 – Received the Don Shadow Award from the Southern Nursery Association for Exemplary Service, Leadership and Generosity in the Development, Promotion and Use of New and Improved Landscape Plants.
2016 – Taught ecology and horticulture at Pyongyang University of Science and Technology in North Korea.
Come early to get a good seat and a plant raffle ticket or two!
We look forward to seeing you there!
7:00pm Social Time
7:30pm Meeting Begins
Plant raffle following meeting
All meetings are held in the Woodruff Auditorium in McElreath Hall at the Atlanta History Center, 130 West Paces Ferry Road, Atlanta, GA 30305
Free Parking
All are welcome!